One Trick To Make Intermittent Fasting Easier

Intermittent fasting (IF) is not only healthy, but it’s a great way to lose weight. I have personally used it to lose a lot of unwanted fat. In fact, I IF  most days of the week. But my biggest problem is getting back into it after a full day of eating.

After a full day of eating, I’m normally very hungry the following day. Sometimes I’m hungrier than if I had not eaten at all. Getting though the late part of the mornings and the afternoons are the most difficult times for me. But I have found one trick that helps me push past those points in the day when I really want to eat. What is that trick? I give myself tasks.

By tasks I mean anything that I can or need to accomplish. For example, when I start getting hungry, I will tell myself I have to mow the lawn first or something like that. After that, I’m normally not hungry and can sustain my fast for a few more hours. If I get hungry again and it is still not time to eat, I will simply give myself another task. Another example is going to the gas station to fill up my car.

The task can be anything. It just has to be something that you do, something that takes action. This will take your mind off of your hunger. In contrast, it can’t be a passive activity like watching a movie or listening to a podcast. In my experience, passive activities just allow me to focus on the hunger.

So next time you are intermittent Fasting and you’er having a hard time making it to your eating window, try this trick. And don’t forget to share this post if you found this helpful!

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