Category Archives: Paleo

The Problem With Intuitive Eating: It’s Not What You Might Think

In my last article, I talked about the three ways Intuitive Eating can help you on your weight loss journey. However, you can run into trouble with following the plan especially if you are a serial dieter. Here is the problem you might face and what you can do to fix it.

My Experience and My Failure

For practically my whole life I grew up trying one diet after another. I remember the first diet I went on was at eleven years old. What this did to me was make me very self conscious about the way I ate and what I ate. Sadly, nothing I did ever seemed to work for one reason or another. I just kept gaining and losing weight and eventually became fat and unhealthy. Nearly ten years ago, I finally was fed up with the way I looked and felt. I was ready psychologically to lose weight and I did!

My journey to a healthy weight took about a year and a half. During this experience, I ran came across Intuitive Eating. I decided to give it a try. And it worked! But, because of my long history with dieting, I was consumed with what I was eating, how much I was eating, and when I was eating. One day I felt like I ate a little too much and too much of the wrong food. My obsession with food came back and I could no longer stick to the plan. I went back to ultra dieting again!

My concerns were understandable. I was conditioned from to be obsessed with food. And besides that, I was finally losing wight and I did not want to get fat again. I could just no longer bring myself to be relaxed enough around food to follow the plan. I failed!

How to Break Free

If Intuitive Eating is something you want to try, and you do not want to fall into the same trap I did, then here is what you have to do. You really have to throw yourself into the plan. It might be hard to do especially if you have been conditioned to be obsessed with food. You have to trust the program! And you have to trust yourself! And you have to not care about failure!

You will fail! So what. Get over it immediately! If you eat too much one day, it really is not big deal! The chances are, if you are really following the program, you will not do it continually. Honor your hunger and full signals. Really slow down and enjoy your food! Your body will tell you when you have had enough. Trust the program it really does work!

Reconditioning yourself to not be obsessed with food will take time. Accept that fact and eventually you will be free of your obsession and free to be at harmony with your body.

My Intuitive Eating Today

Currently, I maintain my weight almost exclusively though Intuitive Eating. I’m not going to lie to you, I also engage in a bit of Intermittent Fasting but this is mostly due to other health benefits of IF and not for weight loss. I am finally free from the dieting cycle and I feel great!

Please remember I am not a doctor and you should consult your doctor before you start any plan.

If you found this article helpful, please like, share, and leave a comment. Thanks!

Halloween 2023. So very current!

Article by G. E. Carlin

Intuitive Eating: Tree Ways it Can Help

If you are looking to lose wight, then I am sure you have heard about Intuitive Eating. But the question you might be asking yourself is: is this plan right for me? I have asked myself the same question and have tried it with moderate success over the years. Here are three ways in which this program can help you on your weight loss journey.

First Way It Helps

Intuitive Eating is a great place to start! If you have tried diets before and have never been able to stick to anything (for whatever reason), Intuitive Eating is an easy way to get started. It will help you cut back on the amount of food you eat as well as help reign in cravings.

You Will lose wight even possibly a signifiant amount. However, keep in mind (and this is only my experience), it is doubtful that it will get you to your ultimate weight loss goals. This is particularly true if you are trying to get to six-pack.

Second Way It Helps

The second way Intuitive eating can help is on diet breaks. We have all been there. You are following you diet and you are losing weigh! But then….Well you just get tired and the cravings are too much. You go back to eating the way you were, and before you know you start putting the weight back on.

But there is help with Intuitive Eating! Instead of going back to what got you overweight in the first place, try Intuitive Eating instead. Its a simple way to take a break, and eat some of your favorite food without without putting a bunch of extra weight back on again!

The Third Way It Helps

The last way it can help is with maintenance. If you are already at your weight loss goals, and are looking for a way to stop dieting without putting on weight again, Intuitive eating is a great option. Not all of us want to maintain a six-pack. We just want to be healthy. If you are at a comfortable wight that is right for you, and you want to stay there with little effort, then I highly recommend Intuitive Eating.

Final Word

Please note that I am not a doctor and you should consult your doctor before you start any plan.

Also, if you liked this article please leave a comment and share it on your favorite social media to help spread the word! Thanks!

Here are my favorite books on Intuitive Eating:

I Can Make You Thin, by Paul McKenna

The Gabriel Method, by Joh Gablriel

Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

The Real Reason You’re Fat

I remember as a fat person asking myself, time and time again, “Why am I fat?” Of curse, there is not just one answer to this question. It is not a reason, but several. I don’t have the time or the desire to go every possible reason, but I want to cover two basic reasons that I think are fundamental to why many people cannot reach or maintain a healthy weight.

Bad Information

The first of these two reasons is bad information. The worst information out there is that weight loss is a mater of calories in verses calories out.

It is surprising to me that so many people still believe this and try to implement it no matter how many times it has failed them in the past. I guess I cannot be too surprised since I was one of them for many years. That is to say that I believed that if I just reduced my calories and exercised more I would lose weight. But this never worked.

Of course I would often lose weight when I first started a diet, but eventually I would gain it all back and then some. Why did these diets not work? Because I was hungry. And while I could reduce my intake of food for a while, my hunger would eventually catch up to me and I would overeat.

Also, the types of foods I was suppose to eat did nothing to curb my cravings. When I finally did break down and eat, I would eat all the wrong foods.

This all stopped, for the most part, when I learned that weight loss was primarily controlled by hormones. When I started eating toward hormonal balance, I lost weight and I had a major reduction of cravings.


The second reason comes down to what we really want out of life. Please do not misunderstand me on this point. I am not saying that overweight people like being overweight. I know I didn’t. And I wished every day for a new body. But what it took to get a new body was not as motivating as what it takes to get and remain fat.

Let’s face it. It’s pretty easy to do the things that make us overweight. And, for the most part, people like doing those things too.

But the reason why I changed is that the pain of being overweight started to outweigh (no pun intended) the pleasure of what it takes to be overweight. As a result of this shift, I found the discipline it took to lose weight.

And the truth is that it comes down to discipline and not necessarily “motivation.” I was not always motivated to workout. I was not always motivated to restrain my sweet tooth. I did it when I did not want to. That’s discipline and that is what it takes to lose and maintain a healthy weight.

Final Question 

So what do you think might be holding you back? And what will it take for you to make the change? Leave a comment and let me know!

Preparing for the Holiday Season

Summer is over, and these next few months can be challenging if you are trying to stay in shape. Let’s face it, it is going to be colder and darker. That is going to make it less enjoyable to get up and go to the gym and workout. Also, there are going to be many temptations with what to eat. What should you do?

First thing is realize that there is always going to be temptation no matter what time of year it is. There is always going to be a reason to cheat on your diet or not go to the gym. This is true for winter as well as summer. There will always be holiday’s, birthday’s, new restaurants to go to etc. And once you realize this, you can see that this time of year is not that different from any other time of year.

Next, don’t be afraid to adjust. You may prefer to run outside while the weather is warm. But now that it is cooling off, you do not have to quit, just run on a tread mill at a gym. Or spend the next few months working on indoor activities.

Finally, not everyday has to be a cheat day. Yes there are many more holidays during this time of year. That is why they call this the holiday season. But you do not have to cheat between the holidays.

The truth is, you do not have to repeat the same behavior that many do year after year. They do not lose the weight they say they are going to lose over the summer, then, in discouragement, say to themselves, “well it’s the holidays, I’ll just get back on it after the new year.” But how often does that work?

Break the cycle and accept the truth that you can be in even better shape by January 2nd than you are now! The holidays season is upon us. What will your decision be?

Beating Your Cravings (Audio)

New episode of A Mind For Fitness Podcast that you WILL want to listen to. I know you have struggled with cravings. I have too and I have learned to overcome them. Find out how:

Best Fat Burning Exercise, Fit For Summer, and Free Offer (Audio)

Hey everyone,

This is a new episode of A Mind For Fitness Podcast. I talk about the best exercise for fat burning as well as a fit for summer group I’m interested in starting…..and a free offer!

But the offer ends as well as the ability to be in the group in 7 days (April 7th, 2017)!


What You Need to Know About Intermittent Fasting

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to write a quick post and let you all know that my book on intermittent fasting is now out! I’m so excited. As many of you know, I have lost almost 100 pounds. What you may not know is that a good portion of that came as a result of IF. In fact, I found IF when I was gaining weight again. I was getting fatter and did not know what to do. IF re-ignited my fat burning hormones and revd-up my metabolism. I share all about it in my new booklet.

More good news. It’s free for those who are on Amazon Prime! And only 2.99 for those who are not! So don’t wait. Click the link below and get the book!

Yoga For Weight Loss: Interview With Chanda Vaniman (Audio)

Another great episode of A Mind For Fitness Podcast. In this episode we talk about the different types of Yoga and how they can help for weight loss. Also, is working out with a Yoga DVD sufficient?

Common Gym Mistakes (Audio)

A new episode of A Mind For Fitness Podcast is now up. In this episode I talk about common mistakes that people make at the gym. Some of these mistakes can ruin your time there and completely impede your progress. Which ones are your making? Find out here

Intermittent Fasting and Exercise (Audio)

Here is another episode of A Mind For Fitness Podcast. How will exercise impact your progress while intermittent fasting? What kind of exercise should you do? When should you exercise while intermittent fasting? All answered in this episode. Enjoy!